What patients should consider about clinical trials

Clinical trials have saved lives and led to new innovations within the medical industry. A D.C.-area doctor wants patients to know what options they have as they consider their treatment.

Dr. Ashwani Rajput, director at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in D.C., said some of the most life-changing technology has become widely available thanks to clinical trials.

“We all benefit from them just because of the history of development in medicine,” Rajput said.

Rajput’s specialty is oncology — the study and treatment of tumors. He said that the drugs which have been developed within the field and the progress that has been made involves proving that many drugs work during clinical trials.

Patients should take into consideration what they are aiming for in the trial.

“What are the end points of the trial? … Survival? Is it remission?” Rajput said.

He said it is important to speak to your doctor about your condition and consider the options and the risks, while keeping in mind the future impact and possibilities.

“You will have contributed to the medical success for future care of patients, as well,” Rajput said.

Melissa Howell

Melissa Howell joined ÃÛÌÒÊÓƵapp Radio in March 2018 and is excited to cover stories that matter across D.C., as well as in Maryland and Virginia. 

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